
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Granted, it includes picking out color combinations for six rooms and a hallway, but I can see it! The downstairs is nearly finished, and next week they will be working on finishing the upstairs. Our contractor Mark, said he'll be working all next week---that means everyday all day! Yes. Our heating is finally done so it's nice and toasty in there too. Thank you God for giving me patience!

I heard this morning that snow was forecast for this weekend. I always celebrate when I here there's snow coming. I know there were a few flakes flying around here earlier this week, but nothing substantial. There's something about that first snowfall. That first flake that drops gently down to nestle on the ground. I could sit and stare at snow for hours. The more it blows the happier I am! Think me crazy, but I don't care. There's something simple and beautiful in the way the flakes pile up into a soft blanket of white. It softens the landscape and hides all the imperfections.

I'll be waiting by the window.....


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