Moments have quick feet and and are fleeting. Grabbing them might require quick reflexes and no hesitation. I've been known to be hesitant, but I do have quick reflexes. When I played volleyball in high school, I remember my coach showing the others my wrist snap. When you spike or serve the ball, you need to have a good snap to make that ball go low. I seem to have been blessed with a good snap. Even now, if I drop something I'm sometimes able to catch it in mid-air. Ya baby -- still haven't lost it.

This week two different opportunities came my way. The first one made me stop and ponder. There were heated discussions here at home about taking it. George is a go-getter and knows a good chance when he sees one. I, on the other hand, need time to process my emotions and everything this opportunity might entail. After some good thought, we're passing this moment up. It's just not for us. The second one came last evening. Really, it's not even something I have to think about much -- if all the details work out I'm all over it. It's my passion. It's interesting, and something I thought of just now, that God would bring two separate opportunities to me in the same week -- both were things I love. Both were things I'm passionate about. Only one of them, though, is the direction God has been sending me in. It's a direction that I've been dragging my feet in. It's also one, I feel alive when I'm doing. I know I can only feel peace when I'm going where God wants -- so here I go.