Poetic Wednesday

I found this poem from Thomas Merton on Rachel Held Evans blog.  She is a refreshing slap in the face at times, and I have found her blog to be quite delightful.  She has altered this poem to the feminine - I think it's awesome

There must be a time of day when the woman who makes plans forgets her plans and acts as if she had no plans at all.

There must be a time of day when the woman who has to speak falls very silent and her mind forms no more propositions, and she asks herself: Did they have a meaning?

There must be a time when the woman of prayer goes to pray as if it were the first time in her life she has ever prayed.  When the woman of resolutions puts her resolutions aside as if they had all been broken, and she learns a different wisdom.  

Distinguishing the sun from the moon, the stars from the darkness the sea from the dry land, and the night sky from the shoulder of a hill.


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