Sciatic pain

Let me just say that I've been through the week from hell.....literally. If you've never had back pain then count yourself as lucky. I've had back pain before, but never sciatic nerve pain. Oh my word......the pain was indescribable. This is July 2, and it started in full force on June 22. With every throb it was like a knife slicing down through my leg. I couldn't sit, and I couldn't stand....all I could do was lay in my bed and cry. George didn't know what to do for me, and neither did my kids. When mom is down, the whole house is down! I've been to the Chiropractor 5 times for laser treatment, and it seems to be working. I'm actually able to sit down at the computer and type. What a ride. Although the pain was terrible, in a way it was nice to be waited on. I'm always the one waiting on everyone else, so meals being brought to my bed was nice. :) The hard part was eating them laying down! That was tricky! And I definitely got caught up on my reading. I think I ready about 4 books last week...that is after the pain medication started kicking in. Then I was floating along. I might be able to go to work this's also painful without that check coming in!

As all this was happening, Hunter left us last week to stay a week at Camp Luz for boys camp. He had a blast. Swimming, fishing, and singing loud to God---he loved it. But it was hard because he's the one that does everything for me without complaining! Don't get my wrong, my girls did alot for me. George was awesome too. When he came home from work everyday, he'd lay down in bed with me and we'd laugh and talk. He made it only a husband can do sometimes.

Belle left us yesterday to go to the Mennonite Youth Conference in San Jose, California. They flew out of Columbus, with some 60 Holmes Co. kids packed in. She called me last night to let me know they had arrived. This morning I heard from her (and all the girls screaming in the background) and she had to brag about the view from her 15th floor Hilton hotel. They can see the whole city and mountains in the background. I've heard this convention can really change a kids life....I hope it has a lasting impact. It's the opportunity of a lifetime.

Well, that's about all I can tolerate sitting for the time being. Time to walk around or lay down.....I just got a new book about the south of France....hmmmmm.....maybe I need to start it right away. I also read the book "French Women Don't Get Fat".....I really liked and think I need to start eating french..... maybe I'll create my own eating book.."Les Mangueses de Chocolat"... translation: women who eat chocolate......nice.


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