New job, Pumpkin Carving, and Halloween!

What a week this has been.  I've been caught up in a whirlwind and tossed from two different extremes!  I started a new job this week as receptionist at Troyer Cheese in Berlin.  Not the retail store, but the distribution center that sits beside it.  I've always loved office work.  When I was 19 I worked as receptionist at Weaver Leather for a year, and I left there to go with George to Mexico.  Ahh, those were the days being young and free.  My first week went very well, but I think my mind was tired more than my body -- lots of learning and concentrating to do.  I will only be working Monday - Wednesday, so it's not a full time job.  When Thursday came around I was like a whirling dervish getting all sorts of stuff done at home!  I guess it took getting me out of the house to be able to get some stuff done.  It kind of woke me out of a stupor. 

It's Halloween weekend!  It's not that we celebrate Halloween, but it's one of my favorite times of the year.  It's kind of autumn /mybirthday/ Halloween all wrapped up into one month!  I love the crunchy leaves, the glowing Jack o Lanterns, and the chill wind that envelopes you.  We carved pumpkins on Thursday night, and my kids got into it as much as they did when they were little.  There's something about those warm orange orbs, washing them off, then contemplating what they will become.  The knife as it plunges into the thick skin and slowly becomes what you envisioned.  The goopy guts, and firm seeds that I later roasted slowly with salt and lime.  My favorite part is sticking the candle in, lighting it up, and standing in the front yard with the kids and admiring our handiwork.  Maybe it's just being together....

Tonight we're heading out to Millersburg to check out Boo in the 'Burg.  I'm so excited to take a ghost tour of some of the historical buildings downtown.  The Victorian Mansion is also open to take self-guided ghost tours.  I've never been on one, but I'm sooo excited to go.  The kids are calling this a "Mom-Selena-Hunter" night.  I love my kids.  Love the hubby too, but it's just not his thing although he's happy enough to let me enjoy it. I'll post some pics next week of what we encounter.  

Happy Halloween!


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