
I'm sure I've done a post about rainy days before...but I have to pontificate on them again! There's nothing better than being inside on a rainy day. The slow drizzle lulls you into to an almost hypnotic state. My grass is so dry outside that I think I can see it slowly turning green again. The blades are just reaching up to take a drink. Imagine being that thirsty? We would slowly wither away and die..... Poor grass---it's a shame my weeds don't wither up and blow away. They seem more healthy than ever!

I'm ready for fall. It's turned a little cooler these past few days and I'm soaking it up. Fall is my ultimate season. There's nothing about it I don't like. The vivid colors.....the crisp air....sweatshirts pulled out and worn. I'm ready for that slow turn of the earth...that creaking of the seasons that comes seemingly out of nowhere!


Tina said…
I love Fall and the way it makes me feel.
Tammy Lynn said…
We are on the same wave length. I love fall (and rainy days)too. most people look at you like you are weird when you say you love fall, because they are dreading the coming of winter.
Tammy Lynn said…
We are on the same wave length. I love fall (and rainy days)too. most people look at you like you are weird when you say you love fall, because they are dreading the coming of winter.

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