Life & Surprise Birthday Parties!

Seems I haven't had time to blog much as of late.  Belle's boyfriend  left today after a two week stay.  We really enjoyed getting to know him.  Kind of sad to see him go. :(  We're immersed in the World Cup being held in South Africa right now.  Three games a day are on and we're taking in as many of them as we can.  Two garage sales are coming up.  One at my Aunt Fern's in Benton, and then one at Jonni's house.  In between running kids to open fields, and everything else, it's been a busy summer so far!  We threw Selena a surprise 15th birthday party on Saturday.  About 25 kids came and we scared her good!  Music, food, and fun was had by all. She so didn't want a party, but I think it's because she's so not about herself.  Sometimes I have to do it for her and make it ABOUT her.  Belle took her out to eat, then brought her back.  All the kids were hiding in the woods and everywhere.  We had a blast.  George turned 43 yesterday on top of everything, but he had to work -- on a Sunday!  We chilled and had pizza when he came home. To him, it was a good birthday.  For Father's Day next Sunday we're definitely going to see a movie and eat out.  He deserves it. 

All for now -- Italy is playing Paraguy and I want to take it in


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