Luscious Summer

"How sweet I roamed from field to field, and tasted all the summer's pride."  ~William Blake

 Summer is heavy upon us.  The days have become lazy and languid, and I'm taking it all in.  The mornings have been hazy and humid and my kids have taken the opportunity to sleep in some.  Not too late though, as we have been immersed in the soccer World Cup these past few weeks and the first games start at 9:30 am.  Their sleepy heads make their way down the steps to join me downstairs for a little futbol.  The vuvuzuelas (the horns they play at soccer games) have woken them up almost every morning.   It's been a time of bonding.  George snuck breaks in his busy work schedule to watch the Mexico and U.S. games.  I think I will go into futbol withdrawal when the final game is played July 11.  Selena will miss that game because she will be taking off to Chicago, IL for a missions trip with the MYF.  They will be working with the homeless, do street missions, work in soup kitchens, and help work on construction.  She's excited, and I am as well -- those are the times you never forget.  Belle will be taking off on a bus to visit some of her friends in New Jersey.  Her boyfriend introduced us to a bus line called the Megabus.  It takes off from Pittsburgh, and for $5, she will be able to travel to New  York -- where her friends will pick her up.  Those golden summer trips, just taking off with a little cash and not a whole lot of plans.  Those are what I wish I could do more of now.  

It's almost the July 4th weekend.  This will plunge us into the heart of summer.  Where watermelons and corn start to ripen to the fullest.  Where you want to trek to the backyard and swing in a hammock, and just watch the fireflies start to dance in the luminous moonlight.  Last night Selena came flying downstairs to run out to the porch.  I followed her, as I have done every summer when she does this.  We stood on the porch and took in the lightning show that was being put on.  The brilliant bursts of electricity looked almost like balls of light in the sky, and for a moment I was blinded.  It would fade away to return seconds later.  When the blindness was gone, I saw that Hunter and George had joined us.  We watched in silence, feeling with every nerve that beautiful summer storm.  It's these moments that I'll tuck away to bring out on a snowy winter day. 


Dawn said…
Oh Missy..this brought tears when I read it - savor the moments.
Tina said…
Sounds like the summer memories will be full and many.

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