Rightful slaughter

Where do we find ourselves at, defending how many school shootings there have been in 2018? What is there to defend? Isn't one shot fired, just one incident, enough? Isn't the compilation of the many murdered and injured enough to matter? Are we defending our guns or the zealous right to carry them wherever and whenever and into every space we can? 

No one wants to take your gun away, not even Obama did, who it was sworn up and down would come like a thief into your homes at night to do. I see the words "agenda" and "they" and "our right" thrown around as the blood dries from the murdered children. 

Children that parents sent to school, children that had a right to get through the day. People that had a right to go to a festival without being gunned down by a shooter shooting out a hotel window. Small babies in Sandy Hook, slain on their classroom floors as we shook in horror at the scene. Columbine, where I'll always think of video games being blamed for the shooting, instead of someone picking up a gun and planning a slaughter. 

Because it is a slaughter. 

I am not against gun ownership nor do I want guns taken away. We had one shotgun in the closet growing up. It was no big deal, there was no talk of it nor attention brought to it. It was something that was just there, and every once in awhile dad would get it out and go hunting. He didn't hunt much, so  the gun sat in storage. I didn't grow up loving nor hating guns. It wasn't an issue.

But now, it is an issue. 

I know the argument: If someone is going to kill someone they'll find a way to do it. Yes, that's true. I could take my coffee cup and bash someone in the skull with it. Or I could run over a crowd with my car. But not everyone can just get in a car and drive it. 

You need a license. 
And lots of training.

I'm not a gun expert, but if I'm correct in Ohio you must be 21 to buy a handgun, but can obtain a firearm if 18. You don't need a permit. You can't even rent a car until you're nearly 25 and need I.D. to buy a can of spray paint. At 49 years old I'm sometimes asked for my I.D. to buy alcohol (whoa) because it's so heavily regulated.

Any online marketplace in Ohio:

FOR SALE: Shotgun, handgun, semi-automatic / Meet you in the parking lot of Wal-Mart for the transaction. Bring cash. See you at 5. 

Does this seem like an issue? I'm aghast at the levied words: agenda, leftist ideals, 2nd amendment right. You can call me whatever you want, just know that I'm for whatever regulation makes it less easy to obtain guns. You can have a mental condition or be completely sane, but if you snap I want to make sure it's fucking hard to grab a gun. If your girlfriend breaks up with you, or you're so upset with those that have differing beliefs than you, I want to make it hard - HARD - to load up some automatic weapons and shoot me. 

Since when does your right to own a gun infringe on my child's right to make it through a day at school? 


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