Had I known what my future held, I might have stayed with my Grandma in Valdeflores. But futures are a dim light in a four year olds mind. Warmth, love, and a mom to tuck you in at night are what you need. I wanted no less, and after the trauma, despair, and death I had faced, I wanted nothing more than to sink into my mom's lap. The bus carried us away, driving us into the city of Oaxaca and into uncertain days. We arrived in that city in southern Mexico with nothing but the clothes on our backs. Alone, we straggled off the bus and stopped to look around. We were together, but struggling to know which way to turn. I'm sure the most pressing thing for my mom was to find a place for us to live. I don't remember the ins and outs of how we found a room to lay our head, but I do remember that it was concrete and held absolutely nothing. It was emptier than a wind-swept desert, but also a place we could lie down and sleep. A blissful dreamlessness cleared our minds, if only f...