Adjusting myself to a new rhythm

My schedule is a mess as I sit down on my shaded porch to type up this column. It’s a mess, you see, because I have actually started doing what I am usually preaching about. I’m not “living the dream” as they say but I’m putting one foot in front of the other trying to accomplish what my passions are.

Writing. Social Media. Writing. Blogging. Freelancing. Did I say writing?

You must excuse me if I don’t know exactly how to explain all that I am and hope to be. Excuse me because I’m out of my norm, so to speak, coming from an 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. job that required me to wrap my head around things I no longer have to think about. Now I’m able to get up, plan my day, make coffee and write – all from home. I would normally type up my column on Monday mornings around 5 a.m. but that time now seems unreachable. I loved the quiet of the dark sunrises, the smell of a strong brew clickety-clack of my laptop as my loved ones slumbered in that deep silence before morning. I’ve realized the importance of scheduling that time, even though it now seems early, to sustain myself internally. All the other jobs I do can be done throughout the day, but my column seems to flow better in the early hours of the day. I believe our brains become attuned to order and we must at times follow them to complete all other tasks.

I’ve discovered with working from home that it would be easy to become lackadaisical in your approach. Times become later and later getting to the task at hand and the day slips by with ease. With graduation and party now tucked away, I believe I can focus on the task at hand. I believe I’ve been brought to this time and I will revel in it. Novels don’t write themselves and neither do content articles about whatever topic is at hand. I love the minutes that stretch into hours as my fingers fly over the keyboard putting vocalization to the words so long buried within. I write as well, to not think about August when the children pack their things and drive away to their respective colleges. 

This leaves my home empty, but I don’t despair because I will now fill it with words. All the words and letters I can use to fill that void and create a well filled with new opportunities and decisions. I yearn for this. I am beyond happy I’ve started this. Here I am living it.

You can find this and my other columns on The Holmes County Bargain Hunter. 


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