Doughnuts and Black Friday

Why I would rather eat a doughnut at home than go out on Black Friday

I’ve written before on my distaste for early Christmas shopping. I’m literally still back in October basking in the leaves and pumpkins. Though I have to take away some props from my two teenagers at home who NEVER DID carve those pumpkins I bought for jack-o’-lanterns. Blah, blah, blah I’m too busy – I’ll do it tomorrow. It’s a sad day for the orange globes who now sit on my porch gathering a coat of frost and no eyes to see it with. Imagine if I would tell them I have been too busy to go Christmas shopping? It would be Armageddon part duex.

How I wish I could have meticulous lists categorized by size and color, likes and dislikes, what I can afford and what I can’t. We did exchange names for the family exchange on Christmas Eve, but those seem easier to go pick up. The older my kids get the harder they are to buy for. I don’t want to succumb to the perils of all gift cards. I feel like it takes away from the personality of gift-giving. That’s not saying I don’t ever buy them because I do. I just don’t make it the entire gift. For me, their tastes change quickly, so I never pick things up when I see them in June. Like I’ve said before, I’m a procrastinator. Why buy in June when you can get it in December? I will feel good if I start a bit of shopping now in November. I will feel in control. I will not panic.

I can’t say that I ever did panic for Christmas shopping. I believe that we focus so much on the gifts that we lose sight of what Christmas is all about. Regardless, presents need to be bought so I forge ahead. I’m not much of a Black Friday shopper. My temper runs too high to stand in line and battle all those people for the newest gadget. We usually end up going on the Saturday or Sunday after Black Friday and try to get any deals that are left over. You would be surprised how much is left – and all for the same price. Cyber Monday is another great day to shop. The deals online the Monday after Thanksgiving are stellar and all within the click of your mouse. I have found, as well as a few others I know, that if you’re online in the wee hours of Black Friday that you can nab those great advertised deals. Not everything is available, but TVs have been purchased, as well as GPS systems, all for that low, low price. 

Here is my plan of attack: Eat turkey, mashed potatoes, and dressing. Lie down. Browse circulars with the family. Go home. Wake up Black Friday about 9 a.m. Make coffee. Do nothing. 

I’ve decided that if I can’t get what I want at a decent hour of the day I won’t get it at all. Kudos to all you avid shoppers who brave the lines of people, lost tempers, and displays of advertised items that run out after 10 items are brought out. It’s all about the bait and switch. The only thing I would go out for again at midnight? The towels I bought at our local Walmart. For $1.28 those were the best Christmas season purchase I ever made – even though I had to battle people putting 30 towels in their cart. Black Friday is a dirty business and I plan on engaging in it sound asleep.


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