The Name Game
Below is my newest blog on The Holmes County Bargain Hunter website. My blog gets personal at times, but it's where truth comes out. Sometimes we need to hear the truth. Am I Otis Mary’s Clyde’s Missy or Henry Mabel’s Mary’s Missy? Labels. Reputation. Names. We live in a world of all of the above. It all starts with our family name and spreads from there. Oh yes, you’re Clyde’s daughter. Oh you’re Mary’s daughter. Yes, you’re Shelly’s sister, or Selena’s mom. We’re identified by our family and where we live. Our community is close knit and if you come from the Amish then you just might be Jacob Esther’s sister. It’s our way of tracking down just where and when we came into this world and where we belong. In a way, it gives us our sense of just where we fit in. I can’t remember how many times we may have talked about someone new, or told an older person about them. They will literally spend hours t...