time marches on....

Well, it's done. My baby has graduated. I know, I know....it's not my LAST baby but the first one. Still, it is unbelievable that she is now done with high school. It seems only yesterday that she climbed on that big yellow bus, her nose pressed up against the glass. I watched her little face get smaller and smaller as it traveled down the road. Now she's done. Ready to go out and grab her life. God has so many plans for her that she isn't even aware of yet. Like where she's going to college. She was accepted into several colleges here in the area, but she always wanted to go out of state. She just accepted the fact that she would go here, and chose Mt. Union in Alliance. Well, God had a few other plans in mind for her. LeeAnn Miller told us about Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, FL. ---- Florida....Florida..... She had gone there, and Belle kind of got excited about it. Some connections were made, meetings had, and applications sent in. Belle had a phone interview with them, and one week later, on the last day of school she got a call in 8th period. She called me crying and said she had been accepted to Palm Beach. I was flabbergasted, and so happy. Her life is calling her to places out of the norm. Not all of us are meant to stay here in Holmes Co. and I always knew she was one of them. She is going for spanish translation, and is ready to conquer the world. I'm so proud of her, and a little bit jealous. I still have that bug to get out in the world...to just go and do something! I know God still has plans for me, and I'm only getting in the way of them. You heard that right. I get in the way of God's plans for me because I worry... and I stress. If I would sit here quietly and listen, God would point the way. We're raising kids right now, but George and I are hungry travelers. Itching to find the road less traveled....the funky unique places that we're meant to be. Maybe if I just sit still long enough to listen......
