Life is either a daring adventure or nothing
A fairly recent column in The Holmes County Bargain Hunter . What is risk to you? Risk: the possibility of suffering harm or loss; danger. There is a quote I love that I remind myself of every single day: “A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.” Repeat that to yourself several times until the meaning becomes entrenched in your brain. Most of us don’t like risk. We play our lives safe and sound, never stepping out on a limb to reach for the fruit on the very end. We stay ensconced in our safe homes never really feeling the slap of excitement that comes from doing something slightly scintillating. We see others doing mostly the same, every now and then someone breaks the norm, and we say to ourselves under our breath, “Man, I’m glad that’s not me. I would never be so stupid to attempt something like that. They are really putting themselves at risk.” For most of us, we’re one financial misstep away from ruin. Paycheck to paycheck is our daily bread...