so ready

I'm going's time to go home to my house! I think I've just reached that point where I need to be surrounded by my own things, my own routine, my family's routine! I've discovered that my family likes to chill. We seem to gain strength from each other by just sitting around and watching movies.....rolling around on the floor.....etc. My mom likes to work in the garden and relax out there. Not me. If you've ever seen that commercial where the guy comes home with a stack of movies to watch in one hand and looks over to his neighbors driveway where the guy is just slaving away. He's shoveling snow, and just killing himself. The guy with the movies shakes his head and walks to his door, snow piled high crunching through at least a foot of the white stuff. That would be us. We'll always be the family with the leaves piled high outside, the snow blowing drifts around our door. But there will be two tracks that have made their way out to get some movies, or food. I guess we feel cozy that way, and knowing that that IS how we are has made us not care if some people think we're lazy for not blowing away the first leaf or snowflake to fall. I've discovered I love who we are. I looked at George the other day and told him......"You know, I really just love you." And he said...."Did you think I didn't know? I always know..." This has made us love each other more, pull closer together, and realize we love who we are. I'm looking forward to the day when I stand in my house and look around and know that I'm home again. Know that I can do what I want for that day. Know that all I will hear is the sound of me and my family. And if I just want to hear silence and do nothing for the whole day but read a book--I will. Period.


Tina said…
I like this post!

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